
OpenTable has reversed its decision to show members' first names and profile pictures in past anonymous reviews after receiving backlash from members who felt it was a breach of privacy.

This follows our reporting last week that OpenTable would display members' personal information on old and future reviews, even though old reviews, especially negative reviews, were created under the expectation they would remain anonymous.

Members told BleepingComputer they were concerned that revealing their pictures and first names could lead to repercussions from restaurants and owners for negative comments.

OpenTable says that after receiving feedback from its users, it has rolled back its decision, and old reviews will remain anonymous. However, new reviews will contain a member's first name and profile picture when the new policies go into effect.

"Following feedback from our diner community, and in line with our continued commitment to trusted reviews, we are making refinements to our restaurant reviews program," OpenTable told BleepingComputer.

"To increase transparency, on a go-forward basis only, we will no longer be supporting anonymous restaurant reviews."

OpenTable also said that the new policy would not be going into effect on May 22nd as planned but could not share more specific time frames when asked by BleepingComputer.

Before the new policy goes into effect, users should review their profiles to confirm they contain the first name and profile picture they wish to use in new reviews going forward.

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