I am sure there are many like me who had lots of fun apps in the 70, 80, 90s etc and like me, still have the installation CD disks but they won't run on 11. I think most were made for Win 8.1.?
Mine are Superbike 2001, Night Sky explorer, Grand Prix, and Jeff Cramond's Formula One. The Myst series; Uru, End of Ages,V - Revelation, IV. and the most fun one of all - Road Rash, which my wife hates because I would be laughing at 4 am from playing it! I also had a great flying game for WWII where you could play a remote person, and tried it but got shot down in minutes so ended up strafing rail roads to death.
Why cant there be a simple (free) fix to make these play. All the games? today are more like extensions of kiddie games.
Just missing these excellently designed and operational app today. Even though the graphics are fabulous, the games themselves have only limited stories or realistic situations. It is not all just blowing up stuff you know.