The purpose of this forum is to provide self-help guides, analysis on various malware, and tutorials on vulnerabilities. Only the moderators and members of the HJT Team can create a topic in this forum. If you have questions about a particular guide, then please post these questions in this forum:
AntiVirus, Firewall and Privacy Products and Protection Methods
The self-help guides will primarily focus on how to remove various pieces of software that can be considered by some to be malware, viruses, hijackers, or spyware. These self-help guides are to be used at your own risk. If you do not feel comfortable using any of the information contained here, then please ask for help in our other forums. Please only follow the steps explained here if you are comfortable doing so.
The analysis topics will be about various malware that we have analyzed on how they work and how they affect your computer. Please note that this analysis will be accurate in as much as we are able to be. If there is further information that we are missing, please do not hesitate to post a reply to the analysis and let us know.
The vulnerability tutorials will explain how to deal with certain vulnerabilities that may exist on your computer.
If you have suggestions for future topics for this forum do not hesitate to ask us in our General Security Discussions forum.