...if this is the wrong area for this, please let me know and I'll take it down.
So I have an IP Camera that I'm trying to set up in my new home. I have a new ISP, Comcast Xfinity, so everything has to be redone.
I fired it up with it's wireless config from my old place. When that didn't work, I remembered from years ago that when setting this device up of having to use an ethernet connection first. Did that directly to my Comcast modem/router combo. No dice. I tried using 2 different IP scanner programs, Angry IP Scanner and Advanced IP Scanner. No luck there, either. And yes, there's a "reset" button on the unit which I've tried a few times. I does restart, but does not connect using wired/wireless.
It does show up under the Comcast modem/router, but the info there is rudimentary. I need help discovering it's actual login page.
Please and thank you.