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Microtech computers, do not buy them

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#1 sirjo


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Posted 01 September 2023 - 03:56 AM

Hi all,
I am very angry and this is my very bad story with Microtech
I made the huge mistake to buy an e-cube at the not negligible cost of 1012 euro. After 3.5 months I was not able to reboot. At first I thought that this was due to an update of Windows even though I never had any such problem.
Microtech immediately told me to reinstall the OS. At first I refused because I did not want to loose part of the data. With a recovery tool on a USB stick I tried to remove the last 2 updates: they were both declared successful but at the final reboot the pc did not boot. I tried to reinstall a system image 2 months old with the same result: the pc took 8 hours to reinstall it, it was successful but did not reboot. I asked Microtech a bootable tool for HW check but they refused and said the only option was to try their iso for the fresh installation of the OS, in Italian. When I said I wanted my original version in English/American they told me to look in internet how to make the system look in English (as if it was the same as a native system). I downloaded from Microsoft the American version and installed it but again no reboot. Finally I tried the Microtech installation but after some checks it was not even able to start the real installation.
Microtech recalled the pc for suspect HW failure but after 10 days sent me the bill for the maintenance. I asked why and they replied that they found some drivers missing and they successfully reinstalled the OS.
Note that they got from me a formatted system, this means the so-called "missing" drivers were clearly missing from Microtech original installation, but the system was ok for 3.5 months, how is it possible?
I replied that I would not pay, that even if I believed the story of the missing drivers they were anyway Microtech responsibility and they had to consider the work in guarantee. Long and extremely frustrating discussion, they frequently turned upside down the facts and lied. Examples:
- they claimed that I made resistance to their support and did not do all what they wanted (i.e. the simple idiotic reinstallation of the OS), when asked what I had not done the expert did not reply
- when asked which drivers were missing they said "to identify the missing drivers is not important"
- they tried to blame Microsoft but I had successfully removed two updates and the problem did not go, so it was not due to the update as thought
In the end in view of the fact that I had in my life many computers and none had ever any failure (I still have even 25 years old pcs and they still work) I realized that the e-cube is really junk and asked a refund.
No reply for weeks, they only woke up when I sent a complaint via a customer union and even threatened to sue me because I had said they were lying and cheating to force  me to pay the maintenance. They offered me to send back the machine for free. But after more than a month of painful work (to investigate), lengthy discussions with deaf and deceptive people, missing pc, I repeated that I wanted only a refund. The day after they shipped the pc.
At first I decided to reject the parcel and forget also the money, then I changed my mind and took it.
Of course there was a surprise, there is always a surprise with this kind of people: they had installed version 1909 of Windows 10 pro in Italian instead of the 22H2 in English. According to the European law they have to give the system in the same conditions as at the beginning. But they do not care, with arrogance they said to connect it to internet for the upgrade (I had decided by then to never go on internet with that junk and use it only for some confidential computations), to set the language in English (again, you end up with a system in two languages, the setting is a known bug) or to ask someone else to do it. They also added that in the bill is not specified the language of the OS so for them is ok.

After this story you can judge yourself if it is convenient to spend your money with this (minor) vendor.

Edited by hamluis, 01 September 2023 - 04:08 AM.
Moved from Gen Chat to Tips/Tricks - Hamluis.

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#2 Dill2046


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Posted 02 September 2023 - 07:02 AM

See more complaints at:

#3 sirjo

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Posted 02 September 2023 - 08:13 AM

Thank you, I will post it also there

#4 hamluis



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Posted 03 September 2023 - 06:40 AM

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