If I search for AVG in My Computer, there are no results anymore.
Like 30 minutes after deleting AVG completely I got the WATCHDOG BSOD and the 3 times after reboot I got NDIS BSOD again.
So if it crashes immediately, I get the NDIS BSOD and if it crashes after a random amount of time, I get the WATCHDOG BSOD.
After getting the WATCHDOG BSOD I unplugged my WiFi Adapter to get a dump of this crash (attached as a .txt document) and did the SysNative scan again (Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sn78cphedy1xlk4hbxpl0/SysnativeFileCollectionApp.zip?rlkey=bgrz1bjobglunts4x67elhk59&dl=0 since I have to make this post on my phone after it crashed like 6 times in a row right after plugging in the adapter.). I hope this helps in any way.