Additionally, I can give at least one datapoint that the crypto payment DID in fact result in a valid decryption code and the decryption script appears to have worked. I had to collaborate with some crypto gurus to figure out how to pull it up. It was DEFINITELY not straightforward. We waited quite some time waiting for a second "transaction" to be posted in Coinbase, but it was more of a reply/response which had to be found using a bitcoin "explorer"?In General, I paid and decryption went, cant post image
decryption in progress (processed 68560 files)
Guys, would you please paste the bitcoin address where you paid the ransom to? I will most likely need to do that, but I would rather see how that second transaction with decryption key looks like beforehand. Great thanks in advance.
I paid with, you need to be attentive to the fields of the withdrawal amount and the amount of the receipt. The amount received should be 0.03, in total I paid including the fee 0.0305 btc
Click on the top "Hash" and look at the end of the page. (This code i use to decrypt my files) PS. sorry for my English
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