Well unless people keep paying the ransome, then I am sure they'll be able to find decent healthcare.
relax man, everyone knows that hackers will burn in hell and their families will get some nasty disease and die, that is something that they cannot avoid
especially their really loved ones :D
​it's sad that we can't get back our files, but just imagine how amazing and heroic it's gonna feel to watch them all burn in afterlife lol, i can't wait to see them all :D till then, relax and enjoy the ride in this life man. Best things are free and not digital, go spend time with your family, life is short anyways :D
you didn't understand what I said :D it doesn't matter what you do in this life, they will all suffer when they die, it's simply not worthy to do crime or evil things, whole family linage will suffer for decades, it's normal thing, they are just brainless nothing else. There is no amount of money that can save your soul buddy :D Keep doing evil, you just hurt your mom n dad's soul same as yours lol, my data is irrelevant compared to my peace in life. Cheers and don't stress, it's not even important